Tristan Mace is a venture capitalist, entrepreneur, and heart transplant recipient.
At 31, a healthy Tristan abruptly went into quadruple organ failure, leading to an emergency heart transplant in just 48 hours. A week later, he awoke to learn of the life-saving transplant and that his lung failure caused two strokes and five years of permanent memory loss.
With new life perspective and gratitude for his “bonus time,” working from a laptop in his ICU bed, Tristan began building Transplants.org, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to improve outcomes and access for transplant patients.
His story of resilience and unwavering commitment to the transplant community was profiled by The Wall Street Journal in the article, “He Got a New Heart. Now This 34-Year-Old Is Fighting to Fix the Transplant System.”
Beyond Tristan’s philanthropic work, he is a Managing Partner at Flyover Capital, the largest venture capital firm in Kansas.
Tristan’s Story ยป